Where can I buy a domain?
You can buy a domain on the Solana Name Service website
How do I find a domain if I only know its public key?
If you only know the public key of a domain you can do a reverse look up to find the associated domain. For example:
import { reverseLookup } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
// Public key of bonfida.sol
const domainKey = new PublicKey("Crf8hzfthWGbGbLTVCiqRqV5MVnbpHB1L9KQMd6gsinb");
const domainName = await reverseLookup(connection, domainKey); // bonfida
How do I find the public key of a domain?
If you want to find the public key of a domain you need to derive it:
import { getDomainKeySync } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
const domain = "bonfida"; // With or without the .sol
// Step 2
const { pubkey } = getDomainKeySync(domain);
How can I find the content of a domain?
You can access the content of a domain by retrieving its registry:
const { registry } = await NameRegistryState.retrieve(connection, domainKey);
const { parentName, owner, class, data } = registry;
How do I find the twitter handle of a public key?
To find the twitter handle of a public key
import { getHandleAndRegistryKey } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
const pubkey = new PublicKey("FidaeBkZkvDqi1GXNEwB8uWmj9Ngx2HXSS5nyGRuVFcZ");
const [handle] = await getHandleAndRegistryKey(connection, pubkey);
How do I find the public key of a twitter handle?
To find the public key of a twitter handle
import { getTwitterRegistry } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
const handle = "bonfida";
const registry = await getTwitterRegistry(connection, handle);
How do I find all the subdomains of a domain?
You can find all the subdomains using the following RPC filter:
const filters = [
memcmp: {
offset: 32,
bytes: userAccount.toBase58(),
memcmp: {
offset: 0,
bytes: parent_key.toBase58(),
How do I find all the subdomains of a user?
You can find all the subdomains of a user by doing the following
- Retrieve all the domains of the user
- Iterate over the domains and retrieve the subdomains for each