Records V1

V1 records are deprecated. For current V2 records please see Records V2.

Record V1 derivation

Record keys can be derived with the getDomainKey function and the record flag set to true

const record = Record.IPFS + "." + "bonfida"; // With or without the .sol at the end
const { pubkey: recordKey } = await getDomainKey(record, true);

If the record flag is set to false, the getDomainKey function will derive the key of the subdomain

Resolving records V1

The following resolving functions are exported:

  • getIpfsRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the IPFS record of a domain name
  • getArweaveRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Arweave record of a domain name
  • getSolRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the SOL record of a domain name
  • getEthRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the ETH record of a domain name
  • getBtcRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the BTC record of a domain name
  • getLtcRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the LTC record of a domain name
  • getDogeRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the DOGE record of a domain name
  • getEmailRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the email record of a domain name
  • getUrlRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the URL record of a domain name
  • getDiscordRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Discord record of a domain name
  • getGithubRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Github record of a domain name
  • getRedditRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Reddit record of a domain name
  • getTwitterRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Twitter record of a domain name
  • getTelegramRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Telegram record of a domain name
  • getShdwRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the SHDW record of a domain name
  • getBscRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the BSC record of a domain name
  • getInjectiveRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Cosmos Injective record of a domain name
  • getBackpackRecord: This function can be used to retrieve the Backpack record of a domain name

All functions have the following signature

(connection: Connection, domain: string) => Promise<NameRegistryState>

A more generic resolving function getRecord is also exported with the following signature

(connection: Connection, domain: string, record: Record) => Promise<NameRegistryState>

Editing records V1

Below is a NodeJS example of how to create and edit a record

import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
import {
} from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
import { signAndSendInstructions } from "@bonfida/utils";

const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"), "processed");
const wallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(...);

// bonfida.sol
const domain = "bonfida"; // With or without the .sol at the end

// The IPFS record of bonfida.sol
const record = Record.IPFS;

const update = async () => {
  const ixs: TransactionInstruction[] = [];
  const { pubkey: domainKey } = await getDomainKey(domain);
  const { pubkey: recordKey } = await getDomainKey(record + "." + domain, true);

  const recordAccInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(recordKey);

  if (!recordAccInfo?.data) {
    // The record does not exist so create it first
    const space = 2_000;
    const lamports = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
      space + NameRegistryState.HEADER_LEN
    const ix = await createNameRegistry(
      Buffer.from([1]).toString() + record,

  const ix = updateInstruction(
    new Numberu32(0),
    Buffer.from("Some IPFS CID"),


  const tx = await signAndSendInstructions(connection, [], wallet, ixs);
  console.log(`Updated record ${tx}`);


Deleting a record V1

Records can be deleted using the deleteInstruction function, below is a NodeJS example

import { Connection, Keypair, clusterApiUrl } from "@solana/web3.js";
import {
} from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
import { signAndSendInstructions } from "@bonfida/utils";

const domain = "bonfida.sol"; // With or without .sol

const record = Record.IPFS;

const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"), "processed");

const wallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(...) // Your wallet owning the domain

const deleteRecord = async () => {
  const { pubkey: recordKey } = await getDomainKey(record + "." + domain, true);

  const ix = deleteInstruction(

  const tx = await signAndSendInstructions(connection, [], wallet, [ix]);

  console.log(`Deleted record ${tx}`);


The SOL record V1

The SOL record can be used to receive funds to a different address than the one owning the domain. This allows people to hold the domain on a cold wallet while being able to receive funds on a hot wallet.

The SOL record data contains a 96-byte array that is the concatenation of a public key (32 bytes) and signature (64 bytes). The first 32 bytes represent the public key (pubkey) to which funds should be sent and the next 64 bytes are the signature of pubkey_as_bytes + record_key_as_bytes by the owner of the domain. If the signature is invalid funds must not be transferred.

The signature is required to prevent funds being sent to a stale SOL record after a domain has been transferred or sold.