
Testing can be done on devnet with many of the same functions and methods previously described in this chapter, using the devnet module of the JavaScript SDK. A connection object created from a devnet RPC URL will need to be passed to these functions.

import { devnet } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";

// Use Solana devnet RPC URL or a custom RPC URL
const connection = new Connection("");

Register Devnet Domains

Many of the utility and binding functions in the devnet module will require existing devnet domain names. Use the registerDomainNameV2 binding to register domains on devnet to be used in testing.

const ix = await devnet.bindings.registerDomainNameV2(
  "devnet-test-5", // The name of the domain you want to register
  publicKey, // PublicKey of fee payer
  getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(NATIVE_MINT, publicKey, true), // import from @solana/spl-token

// Sign and send instruction


The devnet module contains utility functions for lookup and derivation tasks for usage with devnet out of the box. An example of the reverseLookup function which looks up a human readable domain from the public key of a domain name registry, is below.

// Public key of bonfida.sol
const domainKey = new PublicKey("Crf8hzfthWGbGbLTVCiqRqV5MVnbpHB1L9KQMd6gsinb");

const domainName = await devnet.utils.reverseLookup(connection, domainKey); // bonfida


A set of devnet constants are also provided for use with custom functions as well as with the bindings described below. An example of deriving the NAME_PROGRAM_ID is below.

const programId = devnet.constants.NAME_PROGRAM_ID;


For more in depth domain name interactions like creating, updating, deleting, or transfering domains and records, bindings from the devnet module can be used. An example using the createNameRegistry function is below.

// Domain name to transfer
const domain = "devnet-test-5";

// New owner of the domain
const newOwner = new PublicKey("...");

// The .sol TLD
const nameParent = dev.constants.ROOT_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT;

const ix = await devnet.bindings.transferNameOwnership(
  undefined, // Optional class of the domain name, if it exists

// Sign and send instruction