Resolving Twitter handles
The Solana name service supports the registration of Twitter handles, allowing users to connect their Twitter profile to their wallet.
Direct look up
To find the Twitter handle associated to a public key
import { getHandleAndRegistryKey } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
const pubkey = new PublicKey("FidaeBkZkvDqi1GXNEwB8uWmj9Ngx2HXSS5nyGRuVFcZ");
const [handle] = await getHandleAndRegistryKey(connection, pubkey);
Reverse look up
To find the public key associated to a Twitter handle
import { getTwitterRegistry } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";
const handle = "bonfida";
const registry = await getTwitterRegistry(connection, handle);
const owner = registry.owner.toBase58();