Get all domains of a user

If you are using @bonfida/spl-name-service you can use the following code:

import { getAllDomains } from "@bonfida/spl-name-service";

// ...

const domains = await getAllDomains(connection, user);

The function above will return an array of public keys. Use the toBase58() method to convert the public keys into base 58 encoded strings. => domain.toBase58());

Another option to retrieve public keys, as well as their corresponding domain names in a string format is to use the function below from the spl-name-service library. The function will return an array of objects including public keys, and their corresponding strings.

const domainsWithReverses = await getDomainKeysWithReverses(connection, user);

If you opt not to use the spl-name-service library, you can manually retrieve all the domain names of a user with the following MemcmpFilter while querying the Solana blockchain.

const filters = [
    memcmp: {
      offset: 32,
      bytes: user.toBase58(),
    memcmp: {
      offset: 0,
      bytes: ROOT_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT.toBase58(),