How to resolve a .sol domain cross-chain?
The Solana Name Service (SNS) going cross-chain means that it is expanding its functionality beyond the Solana ecosystem, enabling users to export their domain names to alternative blockchains using the Wormhole bridge. This move aims to increase the utility and adoption of SNS, while also fostering collaboration and interoperability between different blockchain networks. By allowing SNS domains to be resolved on supported chains like EVM-based chains and Injective, SNS becomes more accessible to a wider range of developers and users, promoting the growth of the Solana ecosystem and showcasing its capabilities beyond its native environment.
EVM Chains
The Solana Name Service has been bridged to the following EVM chains:
BNB Testnet (deployed at
) -
BNB Mainnet (deployed at
) -
BASESepolia (deployed at
) -
BASE (deployed at
Solana domain names bridged on EVM chains can be resolved using the NPM package @bonfida/sns-warp-evm.
With Yarn:
yarn add @bonfida/sns-warp-evm
With NPM
npm i @bonfida/sns-warp-evm
Resolving a .sol domain
The following code can be used to resolve .sol domains on EVM chains
import { SupportedChains, SNS } from "@bonfida/sns-warp-evm";
* BNB Example
// The domain name to resolve
const domain = "mock3.sol";
// The chain on which to resolve the domain
const targetChain = SupportedChains.BNBMainnet;
const sns = new SNS(SupportedChains.BNBMainnet);
const resolved = await sns.resolveName(domain);
console.log(resolved); // <- 0x1D719d2dB763f905b1924F46a5185e001Dd93786
* BASE Example
const sns = new SNS(SupportedChains.BASESepolia);
const resolved = await sns.resolveName("12c8566b3e8ab8b9edac2ceab89be3bd.sol");
console.log(resolved); // <- 0x5f8901Aa3a42BCB53792CfCeDa66a7cf735Af6Db
Reverse look up
import { SupportedChains, SNS } from "@bonfida/sns-warp-evm";
import { namehash } from "@ethersproject/hash";
// The chain on which to perform the reverse lookup
const targetChain = SupportedChains.BNBMainnet;
const sns = new SNS(targetChain);
const nameHash = namehash("mock3.sol");
const resolved = await sns.resolveReverse(nameHash);
console.log(resolved); // <- mock3
The Solana Name Service has also been bridged to Injective.
- Injective Testnet (deployed at
) - Injective Mainnet (deployed at
Solana domain names bridged to Injective can be resolved using the NPM package @bonfida/sns-warp-injective.
SNS is also supported by the Leap Wallet Name Match package.
With Yarn:
yarn add @bonfida/sns-warp-injective
With NPM
npm i @bonfida/sns-warp-injective
Resolving a .sol domain
The following code can be used to resolve .sol domains on Injective
import { resolveName } from "@bonfida/sns-warp-injective";
import { Network } from "@injectivelabs/networks";
// The domain name to resolve
const domain = "bonfida.sol";
// The network on which to resolve the domain
const network = Network.Mainnet;
const resolved = await resolveName(domain, network);
console.log(resolved); // <- inj1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqe2hm49